Frequently Asked Questions 

Looking for a care provider can feel overwhelming, especially if your family is going through a difficult time. We sat down to provide genuine answers to your most frequently asked questions.

If you’d like more information or to chat to someone on the phone, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team. Nothing beats a heart-to-heart with someone who cares.

We’re headquartered in Redbridge and we operate across England and Wales.

At The Care Advantage, we’re fully aware that consistency is key, especially when building a bond and a high level of trust. So wherever possible, we will do our best to supply you with a small group of consistent support staff.

We understand how important it is to find someone you get on well with. If you don’t feel like your support worker is a good fit, speak to the office and they will do their utmost to find someone better suited to you.

The provision of support is ever changing, and we know that sometimes people need a bit of extra time. Our staff are trained to provide you the level of support you need to ensure you are safe and well. They’ll update our systems back at the office to make sure any changes are logged.

Reaching out for support can feel overwhelming, and it’s normal to feel anxious at first. We try to relieve these nerves by communicating with you in a clear and open manner. You’ll be introduced to our registered manager, and we encourage you to speak to us openly about any concerns.

Where possible, our role is to help you live the life you want. If you’re planning a holiday and want to take a break from care until you’re back, that’s fine. We can also accompany you on trips or holidays if you need extra support. Just get in touch to discuss your needs.

The Care Advantage has staff from various religions, and as equality champions, we will do our utmost to provide you with support to attend worship. In some cases, we may even be able to provide you with a support worker who shares your religion to attend such events.

Everyone has a bad day from time to time, it's when those days turn into weeks, months, or years that there’s a problem. The Care Advantage is strongly focused on the physical and mental wellbeing of our clients. Our support staff are trained to listen and respond in the most appropriate way. If they need additional help, our registered manager is always available to step in or offer advice.

The Care Advantage is here as an additional support for you and your loved ones. We encourage communication between all parties to avoid doubling up on tasks, but we’re not here to replace any meaningful interactions with your family. We want to enrich your life and fit into your existing support network.

We’re actively invested in supporting you at all times, and to do that, we create your care plan. This is a live document that is constantly reviewed and updated in line with your changing needs and requirements. In some cases, we may need to carry out additional risk assessments before confirming the change, but we’ll discuss that with you first.

This depends on your needs, but in many cases it’s possible to gradually reduce the amount of support we provide as you become more confident and independent. If this is your goal, talk to us so we can create a plan and set expectations. We’ll always be here if you need us, but you’re not tied into a fixed contract if your situation changes.

The great thing about home care is that you don’t have to give up your pets. We always strive to match clients with like-minded carers who share their interests. That includes making sure they’re comfortable around your pets.

Care providers are required to thoroughly vet their staff. We check their criminal record, DBS, references and training, as well as only hiring people who share our vision and values. At The Care Advantage, we also include a profile of our staff members with your paperwork so you can find out a bit about the team before they start visiting you.

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