Got a question for the team? Drop us a line.

If you’d like more information about any of our services or would like to arrange an initial assessment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch using the form below.

Phone: 0208 176 9545
Location: Suite 10 Roebuck House, 2-3 Cromwell Centre, Hainault Business Park, IG6 3UT

Wondering what it’s like to receive care?

This is what one client has to say:

“If I’m honest I never wanted to have carers, I didn’t want strangers in my house, moving my things, intruding on my space, making me feel like I wasn’t capable of doing things.

[But then] I realised that The Care Advantage weren’t trying to stop me being me or even interfere in my day to day life; they genuinely wanted to check I was okay and keep me out of hospital. So each time they came I’d offer them a cuppa and have a chat with them and gradually I let them do little bits to help me out. Now I have no idea what I would do without them.

Accepting care isn’t easy but it doesn’t take away from who you are.”

Suite 10 Roebuck House,
2-3 Cromwell Centre,
Hainault Business Park

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